28 Tonnes of Biochar in use to improve yields!

We have been very busy this year! From July 2023 to March 2024 Mboni ya Vijana has; mobilized 623 farmers, trained 54 youths in entrepreneurship and income-generating activities, provided business-starting seed money to 102 families, distributed high-quality cassava seeds to 173 farmers, provided high-quality sunflower seeds to 61 farmers, planted and supplied 6120 indigenous and…
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Woman holding green grass

Improved cassava yields results

95% of agriculture in Kigoma – the western Region of Tanzania depends on natural rainfall.  This means it has to be grown in the rainy season which runs from October to May. The farming season for 2023/2024 started in October 2023 when rainfall started. Every farmer has been busy with farming work since then learning,…
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Becoming a Segal Partner

We are excited to announce that after extensive investigation plus site visits Segal Foundation have approved us as a partner, with an initial grant of $20,000 to build our capacity.  We are delighted to join an organisation with such amazing partners and are looking forward to learning from this amazing family.

Bringing Water to Titye Secondary School!

It would be at least a two hour long walk, approximately 2.3km, to reach the stream, queue, and walk back again. On a school day, this meant shortening the hours of students’ education. For the rest of the locals, this meant shortening their work hours. All to get water. We know this isn’t right –…
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Cleaner Cooking with Fuel-Efficient Stoves

The task of cooking is not always such an easy or pleasant one in our community. Someone will have to go out and search for fuel, which is most often wood. This task in itself will take a considerable amount of time, which often takes time away from other activities, such as education or work.…
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Zeze Wind Power Workshop

Here at the Local Electricity Project, we are just settling down after returning from a busy two weeks in Zeze, Tanzania, where we hosted a workshop to explore different ways of generating electricity. This was done in collaboration with Mboni ya Vijana Group, and Tanzania Development Trust, who both do a lot of great development work in…
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How solar power can boost Zeze, Tanzania

One natural resource that is plentiful in Zeze is sunlight. While the sun is great for nourishing crops and providing natural light, there are so many ways that we could use solar power to boost the Zeze community: Solar pumps In August 2015, Mboni Ya Vijana fixed a water well by using a solar-powered water pump…
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Putting Zeze on the map

It’s the rainy season in Zeze so everyone is busy in the fields making the most of the precious water to try and grow enough to sustain their families over the dry season. The unpredictability of the rainfall and lack of any storage is not without it’s problems.  The roads quickly turn to inpassable mud and…
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Our Vision

We believe everyone has the right to life’s basics. A roof, enough food to eat, clean water to drink and the education needed to build a brighter future. What we take for granted can only be dreamed of by communities in extreme poverty such as Zeze. But his dream isn’t impossible. It doesn’t take years of…
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