
Our communities live in poverty and every penny donated is spent on our projects. Furthermore, as a grassroots community non-profit organisation and goes a very long way and will always be truly appreciated!

Our solutions...

We have a wide range of projects to empower our communities and restore and protect our environment – from climate education and training farmers on sustainable agricultural practices to planting thousands of trees and conserving our existing ones.

In fact, you can purchase 10 tree seedlings for us directly from Tanzania Development Trust‘s shop on their website for just £5!

We are steadily improving our food security through better agricultural practices, planting school gardens and building greenhouses.

We are helping to increase our income generation through projects such as entrepreneurship training and microfinance programmes to help women start their own businesses.

You can donate to our projects through our Global Giving platform.

Water projects...

We are also working with Tanzania Development Trust to install water pumps into schools and communities to ensure people have access to their fundamental human right of clean and safe water.

We have developed a low-cost yet effective method of hand-drilling boreholes and installing hand-made water pumps that will ensure people have access to water all year round.

You can donate to our water projects directly through our website.

Tanzazian children fetching water